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The Dr. Jerry Oguzie Foundation and Trust (JOFAT) has decided to adopt Origin Unite (R)     as her Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Under the programme, JOFAT shall unite with Origin Unite to save 100 lives of children dying from chronic malnutrition by sourcing for and contributing to the funds for the manufacture of 6*59 – the very potent and powerful multi-nutrient product – manufactured by Origin Unite and used to save the lives of these malnourished children.

Our decision is predicated on the dangerous statistics coming out from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF) to the effect that about 22, 000 children die every day from the adverse effects and consequences of chronic malnutrition – that means 1 child dies every 6 seconds – this figure is higher that that of Tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS figures combined together. This is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE to us moreso because it is COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE AND TREATABLE and something can be done to drastically reduce this frightening figure.

A pack of 6*59 is enough to save the life of 1 MALNOURISHED CHILD for 1 YEAR and costs $24. 95 (about N4, 300) only.


Unite with us to SAVE 1 CHILD’S LIFE TODAY
To donate please visit

or call

+234 808 659 5477
+234 809 811 5050

God bless you richly

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