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JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June - Season 1

Day 1 ---------------- Monday 1st June 2015

There are 3 tasks scheduled for the first session of the Challenge

Task 1:      Write an essay titled "About Me"
                  Market yourself to us
                  Remember to put your best foot forward

Task 2:     a.       If you are not on twitter, then create a twitter handle at http://twitter.com

b.      If you are on twitter, then follow us and invite 10 of your friends to also follow us @jofat4u (www.twitter.com/jofat4u)

c.     Join the twitter campaign using our hash tag #Jofat2015Challenge

Task 3:      If you have not liked our facebook page: go here https://www.facebook.com/DrJerryOguzieFoundationAndTrustJofat and click on the like button

Invite 10 of your friends to like our facebook page and follow your activities there (remember to indicate that they are your friends)

This session would be over by 12 midnight of Wednesday 3rd of June 2015

The next session would commence by 6 am of Wednesday 3rd of June 2015

Challenge Master

JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June - Season 1 JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June - Season 1 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:37:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. My name is Fadeyi Oluwatobi. I am a student in university of ibadan, hoping to graduate as a Register Nurse. I Situated at Ibadan, oyo state located at south west.

    I can say that I am a responsible and a hard-
    working student . Moreover, being a sociable
    person, I have many friends since I like to
    communicate with people and get to know new
    interesting individuals. I enjoy my time at
    school: it is really nice to study and the
    students are very friendly and ready to help.
    The atmosphere cannot but make me want to
    go there every time. I like to receive and deal
    with challenging tasks . I am a very enthusiastic
    student and I think this is a strong point of
    My friends say that I am a very funny and an
    interesting girl with a good sense of humor. As
    soon as I meet new people who are happy to
    meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with
    them. I believe that friendship is one of the
    most important values in human life. We
    exchange new ideas, find many interesting
    things about each other and experience new
    things. I appreciate friendship and people who
    surround me.

    To Know About Me Kindly Follow Me on Twitter @Ng_Trends Or On Facebok with http://WWW.fb.com/oluwatobi.seun1.

    That all about Me Thanks.

  2. Hello Seun
    Thank you for submitting your reply within the allowed time.

    However the Task is incomplete as there is no evidence that 10 of your friends liked out Foundation's Facebook Page.

    Remember that each task of this Challenge has its own scores and some have more scores than the others

    You have until 12 noon today to ensure that 10 of your friends like our page

    Secondly, this write up should be on our Foundation's Facebook Event Page created for this purpose

    So also copy and paste it there before 12 noon today - Wednesday 3rd June 2015

    Thirdly, you did not make any comment on this post http://jofat1995.blogspot.com/2015/05/jofats-30-days-challenge-in-june.html as you were directed. Read it again and make your comment both on the blog and the facebook page event


    Challenge Master


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