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JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June

At the close of entry for the JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge in June, the following names were received as having indicated interest to participate

1.      Mr.   Olagbaiye Akin
2.      Mr.   Ude Chris Ikechukwu
3.      Mr.   Francis Azodo
4.      Mr.   Edidiong Samuel
5.      Mr.   Julius Yamah
6.      Mr.   Fadeyi Oluwatobi

Challenge Reward

Winner:                     N5, 000
1st Runner Up:         N3, 000
2nd Runner Up:        N2, 000

Ground Rules

1.      The Challenge shall commence on the 1st of June 2015 and end on the 30th of June 2015

2.      Results shall be announced on the 3rd of July 2015

3.      All participants shall be required to be 18 years as at 1st June 2015

4.      All participants are expected to possess any of the following: Drivers' license, International Passport, National Identity Card or Permanent Voters Card

5.      All Challenge tasks are to be submitted on the blog and copied to the Foundation's facebook page

6.      There are a total of 15 Challenge tasks to be undertaken in the 30 days

7.      Each Challenge task is expected to last for 48 hours except where otherwise stated

8.      A Challenge task once submitted can not be edited. Any editing nullifies the entry

9.      Scores are earmarked for early completion and submission of challenge task, error free write ups, appropriately punctuated write ups, and cleanliness and neatness of the write up including appropriate formatting where necessary

10.    The Foundation shall enter into no correspondence with any or all of the Challenge participants as to how and why an entry is deemed correct or wrong

Wishing all Participants a Happy Challenge

Sir, Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Challenge Master

The 1st Task of the Challenge shall be up by 0600 hrs on both the blog and the Foundation's Facebook Page

Remember to access it there
JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June JOFAT's 30 Days Challenge In June Reviewed by Unknown on 9:14:00 PM Rating: 5

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