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JOFAT'S Session 5 Quiz 3 RESULT


Sybil Nwachukwu The specular thing speacial about a Snail is that it has no Blood, and it is edible.

Chigozie Ambrose Azaka Omekannaya Snails are hermaphrodite animal. It is both male and female. Eats mostly living plants and other vegetations. Its an algae type of animal. Snails can cause serious damage to crops in the farm. They equally eat the little bits of chalk in the rock, which they need for their shells. I has a radula in its mouth for grinding up its food and its like a rough tongue. Something like a file rows of tiny teeth. Which it uses to scrape off leaves and flowers to eat. Snails are seen as adult at 2 years of age. And begins to lay egg at the age of 3 years.

Joseph Echendu It has no blood and are edible

Helen Samuel snails are hermaprodite,they have no blood and are very sensitive

Adaoma Bende There are many things one can say about snail but the most spectacularly special thing about it is that it has no blood and its both male and female.

Eburuche Obinna Chimezie Banito Snails are hermaphrodites. Very sensitive to their environment. Can survive dry season by entering their shell.

Ngeno Wyckz no blood,both male n female....most of all can sleep 4 a longer period of 3 yrs.....yep!!!

Nwite Jaykebbi Obinna They are herbivores, hermaphrodites,have no bones except the shell which act as their habitat and they are very sensitive and responsive to their environment.

Nwite Jaykebbi Obinna They are herbivores, hermaphrodites,have no bones which makes them edible except the shell which act as their habitat and they are very sensitive and responsive to their environment.

Adaeze Nzeka they have no blood but they are the highest hermaprodite little animal that contains and gives the highest blood when eaten.


The entry by Sybil Nwachukwu is discountenanced because it is edited
The entry by Nwite Jaykebbi Obinna is discountenanced because of double entry
The entry by Adaeze Nzeka is discountenanced because it came in after 2 pm

SNAILS have 14175 teeth laid along 135 rows on their tongue.
For participating in the quiz and setting the table for further participation, all of you are winners.

However there is NO ON POINT CORRECT entry
Congratulations once again to all of you.
Remember, the 2nd quiz of the 6th Session of JOFAT’s monthly General Knowledge Quiz would come up on TUESDAY 09.07.13 from 6 am to 12 noon


SESSION 6 QUIZ 1 RESULT SESSION 6 QUIZ 1 RESULT Reviewed by Unknown on 7:43:00 PM Rating: 5

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